Hole Sponsorships
Hole Sponsorships at Yarrambat!
Yarrambat Park Golf Course welcomes and hosts in excess of 50,000 visitors each year. This is across our golfing activities including the 18 hole golf course, Goanna Golf mini golf and our 13 bay driving range. On average, we will have around 3,000 rounds of golf played each month in winter with up to 5,500 rounds across summer. The mini golf course attracts around 15,000 visits per year with particularly busy periods over summer and school holidays. We also host over 100 functions and events a year including birthday parties, wakes, christenings, engagement parties and weddings in our dedicated function room space.
Sponsorship Arrangement - How it works
Belgravia Leisure is the management group appointed to run the golf course operations. Belgravia Leisure works closely with the two Golf Clubs based at the golf course; Yarrambat Golf Club and Yarrambat Ladies Golf Club.
- The Yarrambat Golf Club will provide an invoice for Sponsors which can be used for any applicable tax claims the business may be entitled to.
- Belgravia Leisure, Yarrambat Golf Club and Yarrambat Ladies Club will work together in allocating sponsorship funds which are designed for: Asset improvements around the course,Community initiatives and programs to promote golf and encourage participation.
Sponsorship Benefits

Advertising Benefits
Display in Pro-shop area; along with opportunity to display business cards.Promotion in our newsletter and/or social media page (monthly recognition).
Promotion on our website listing Hole Sponsors.

Function Benefits
10% off a function / event.
(Celebrate a special occasion or host a Christmas function and get a 10% discount).

Golf Benefits
12 Golf rounds - Valued at $540.
15 Mini Golf passes - Valued at $240
18 hole round for you, with one of our golf pro’s The value is priceless!
Sponosrship Package Details
Duration: | First Rights: | Cost: |
Each hole sponsorship is valid for 12 months or up to the 31st December 2024. The earlier you become a sponsor, the more time you will have to promote your business and maximise business brand exposure. | At the conclusion of your 12 month sponsorship period you will have the first rights to re-sponsor that same hole and skip the waiting list! | $2,000.00+ GST Per Hole |
What Your Support Provides
Asset Improvements
Your sponsorship help us continually improve our golf course amenities, Examples of impovement works include:
- Replace Sand boxes and bins around the course
- Improve Paths and tracks
- Invest in Bunker Rake Stands
- Improve Distance Markers (ie 150m from green)
- Replace the existing ball range ball dispenser
- Refurbish Water drinking taps around the course
- Create a Bag Drop Area
- Improve Entrance Signage
- Implement additional Corella and Duck management strategies
Community Initiatives
Funds are also allocated to support the growth of the game across our juniors, ladies and club programs. Golf provides many benefits including:
Mental Health Benefits:
A game of golf is enjoyed outdoors and provides a great mental health upside regardless of your ability. Taking a walk, enjoying a hit, and socialising is great help keep active and healthy.
Social Connectedness:
Golf is a global game and enjoyed by many of all different abilities and age. What is common amongst golfers is the coming together, sharing a chat around the course, and making friends.
Physical Health Benefits:
Physical health benefits are great as golfers clock up a few kilometres of walking (some more than others dependent on how straight you hit it).
We love that we can bring golf to our community and members!
Monies raised through our sponsorship program go towards maintaining and improving the course features and assets. Additionally, funds are also used to support introductory clinics as well as people who experience disadvantage to get into and enjoy golf. You can be confident in choosing Yarrambat Park Golf Course for your sponsorship because we love to give back to our community and support our locals!